The Aman STEAM Academy, Inc.
Supporting Communities to Grow 21st Century Creators, Innovators, Leaders, & Thinkers
What does STEAM look like at Aman STEAM Academy?
Aman STEAM Academy has adopted and adapted a unique approach to STEAM learning. Our rigorous curriculum emphasizes higher level thinking skills, real world science and mathematics application, arts-focused creative thinking, and up-to-date technology. We also use a planning process that ensures our instruction is grounded in state and local academic standards. Aman STEAM Academy teachers integrate dance, theatre, music, and visual arts throughout the core curriculum. Students attend studio and STEAM classes each day, where they are given the opportunity to explore new talents in vocal/instrumental music, visual/graphic arts, engineering design, dance, and theatre. ASA Center Stage is the performance showcase for students in which they can showcase their products and works of art. These occur four times each year.Below are some main features of our unique program:

Engineering Design Process
Within our unique, STEAM framework, engineering is the connecting thread that guides thinking and problem-solving and ties the core content skills and concepts together.
Engineering Design Prcess (EDP): a series of steps engineers follow to come up with solutions to problems. Many times the solution involves designing a product that meets certain criteria and/or accomplishes a task.
Starting in pre-kindergarten, students use the EDP to explore and create, establishing a strong foundation of basic skills and the capacity to think critically.

Project and Problem Based Learning
Project and Problem Based Learning is an approach to teaching that allows students to explore real-world challenges and problems.
This type of learning engages students and empowers with an in-depth level of content so they can connect what they are learning in school to what is happening in the real world.
Stresses the importance of process and product. It is not just about getting a correct answer, but also the knowledge gained while going through the process of finding a solution to a problem. Themes are used to create thematic units, which are 8-10 weeks of learning that ends with a culminating project or activity.
Enables students to become an active part in their learning by providing them with the chance to explore, create, and find solutions with guidance from their teacher rather than being told what the learning process is and should like (traditional teaching approach).

Integrated (Thematic) Instruction
Simply put, Integrated Instruction is an approach to teaching that creates the opportunity for students to make connections between what they are learning in one class to what they have learned in another class.
Teachers from multiple subjects work together to organize their instruction around a theme (or general topic).
Themes are used to create thematic units, which are 8-10 weeks of learning that ends with a culminating project or activity.

Use of 21st Century Technology
STEAM begins the first day of Pre-kindergarten- it is the way we learn and think
In order to be prepared to work in science, technology, and innovation fields, students must be familiar with the use of technology and technology language.
Teachers incorporate the use of technology into daly instruction (e.g., Google docs, computer/laptop, learning software) and require students to use such when completing daily tasks, assessments, and projects.