The Aman STEAM Academy, Inc.
Supporting Communities to Grow 21st Century Creators, Innovators, Leaders, & Thinkers
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Aman STEAM Academy located?
Aman STEAM Academy will serve students and families from across Aurora. Our school will be located at 15540 E. 6th Ave., which is a shopping center located at the corner of 6th Ave. and Centretech Parkway. We will be next to the INSPIRE Fitness health club. Although our site is presently under construction, we will have a temporary business office located on the property by the end of April 2016. In the meantime, please feel free to call our office at 720-222-9598 or email us at
What are the school hours?
Full-day pre-kindergarten, full-day kindergarten, and grades 1st through 8th:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 1:30 pm
Half-day pre-kindergarten:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (No School on Fridays)
Morning Session: 8:00 am – 11:30 am
Afternoon Session: 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
What are the tuition rates for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten?
Please visit our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten page for more information on tuition rates.
Does Aman STEAM Academy provide bus transportation?
Not at the current time. Although projected for the future, Aman STEAM Academy students’ families are responsible for providing transportation to and from school.
What is a charter school?
Charter schools are public schools. They are free to attend, publicly funded, part of the state school system, and accountable to the district and state for their results. Charter schools have flexibility to select a specific philosophy and curriculum, hire their own staff, and manage their own financial resources.
Charter schools are schools of choice, so they do not enroll students solely based on where they live.
Charter schools are privately managed by an organization that has a charter, or contract, with an authorizer.
Who can attend Aman STEAM Academy?
Aman STEAM Academy is a public charter school and follows the Aurora Public Schools Choice/Open Enrollment process. There are no entry exams. First grade and above is tuition free.
Where do Aman STEAM Academy live?
The majority of Aman STEAM Academy families will live in southern Aurora. However, in Colorado, students may enroll in any school that has classroom space- whether that school is in their neighborhood or not
Does Aman STEAM Academy offer pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classes?
Aman STEAM Academy offers three pre-kindergarten and kindergarten options:
Half Day Pre-kindergarten: a 3.5 hour program for three year old students
Full Day Pre-kindergarten: a full day pre-kindergarten class for four and five year old students
Full Day Kindergarten: a full day kindergarten class for five year old students
How do I enroll my child in Aman STEAM Academy?
As a public charter school, Aman STEAM Academy is tuition free (with the exception of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten) and open to all on a space-available basis. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ancestry, mental or physical disability, special needs, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, or prior academic achievement.
Aman STEAM Academy is currently enrolling for the 2016-17 academic year. We will be accepting applications for grades Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade until all seats have been filled. Completed enrollment packets and the $50 registration/activity fee are required to ensure enrollment. Please visit our Future Families page for more information.
Does my child have to pass a test to get into Aman STEAM Academy?
No, there is no “entrance exam” for our school. Aman STEAM Academy is open to all students. After students are enrolled, we administer diagnostic tests to identify precisely what students already know and can do. In this way, we position incoming students for success from the start.
Do you accept students with special needs?
Yes. Our school is open to all. Our student services team, teachers, and leadership teams are dedicated to advancing every scholar along the path to and through college and beyond. Our team works as appropriate to meet all requirements of students’ Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
What subjects are offered at Aman STEAM Academy?
Aman STEAM Academy has developed unique, exciting curriculum anchored in the Colorado Academic Standards.
Aman STEAM Academy’s core curriculum includes math, science, social studies, and English language arts (including grammar and penmanship). In addition, every Aman STEAM Academy scholar learns Spanish every day. Other subjects include: art, music, health and wellness education, dance, and theatre.
Do Aman STEAM Academy students wear uniforms?
Yes, all scholars wear uniforms. We believe a strictly enforced uniform policy not only helps students focus on thier academic pursuits and avoid needless distractions, but also reinforces our sense of community and school pride.
How many students are in each classroom?
Our classrooms have between 25-30 scholars.
How many teachers are in each classroom?
In general, we have one teacher per classroom, but each pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classroom has one teacher and one instructional assistant.