The Aman STEAM Academy, Inc.
Supporting Communities to Grow 21st Century Creators, Innovators, Leaders, & Thinkers
What Makes Us Aman?
Our Values...Our Approach...Our Aman Lenses...

Aman STEAM Academy’s approach to teaching and learning (even during out of school time) is supported by a growing research base indicating that increased student engagement, creative thinking, and innovation results when combining STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and arts instruction (STEAM). We believe:
Children learn best when academic learning is connected to real life
Children should be allowed to use their imaginations to discover new ideas and concepts
Students learn best when given applications for learning that aren’t just about getting the right answer, but learning through process
Learning to think through problems like a scientist, creatively identify solutions to problems like an artist, and using technology like an engineer to create new and inventive solutions to problems is critical for 21st century leaders and makers
OUR MISSION: The mission of Aman STEAM Academy, Inc. (ASA) is to prepare new generations of creative and independent thinking young people who use their unique experiences and power to solve and resolve community problems and create a just world.
OUR VISION: We envision a 21st century driven learning environment as a place where students acquire the powerful skill of navigating chaos. As our world remains rapidly changing and ever-evolving, our goal is to develop young people that possess the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits of mind to be leaders in innovation and creative industries that can identify and design authentic solutions to local and global problems. While quality education gets children ahead, it is equally important for us to prepare young people that are self and world aware. We want to provide our students with “roots and wings”- serving as a catalyst for them to discover their own power to make change for themselves, their communities, and the world.